The Old Testament Canon

We believe that the Bible is the perfect treasure of divine instruction by which God has disclosed His person and work to mankind. The evidence of God’s handiwork in creation is enough to teach us of God’s existence, but not His identity. We require special revelation, which we have in the Bible. The Bible proclaims the truth to us, persuades us to believe the truth, puts us in line when we deny the truth, and prepares to walk in the truth (2 Timothy 3:16).

Consequently we want to know how to make the most of our study of the Bible so that we grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Savior Jesus Christ. To that end we are learning together How to Study the Bible.

Our study begins with the question of canon. The canon is the authorized list of books that the church recognizes as the divinely-inspired Word of God. If we are going to study the Bible as God’s Word, we should know something about how the transmission history of the Bible and why we can have confidence that the Bible we have is God’s Word. Let’s begin with the Old Testament Canon.

Notes: The Old Testament Canon and the Deutero-Canonical Books

Podcast: The Old Testament Canon and the Deutero-Canonical Books


The New Testament Canon